The trouble with me
She said
Is I don't believe
I have a right
To feel
Like this
What happened to me
She said
Is nothing
Compared to what
Some people suffer
After all
Is said and done
I am alive I live I love
In my own way
Compared to some people
I am lucky
So what right
Do I have
To feel like this
The trouble with me
She said
Is I feel besieged
Fears of self-indulgence
Encircle my small pain
And make me doubt its truth
Somewhere there
In her mind in her heart
In her soul if she has one
She holds onto her small sorrow
Like a battered woman
Holds on to the belief that she isn't mad
Like an abused child
Clings to the hope that she isn't bad
She clasps her small sorrow close to her breast
Keeping it warm alive and blessed
With her daily attention to its details
In the great scheme of things
This global glut of cruelty
This world wide web of wickedness
Hers was a very small injury
In memory
In deed
She feels
That to place her pain alongside the horror that is some lives
Is arrogance beyond belief and justification
Is hubris beyond relief and vindication
These things she knows but she still can't let go
For fear that frail defining thing
Is all there is of her
I want none of your explanations
None of your condemnations
Of men such as those who abused me
Or helped me to abuse myself
They are mine to explain and to condemn
Mine to complain about and when
Done complaining
To cry about
I want none of your sympathising
None of your empathising
Over the pain and the loss
Of childhood innocence
It was mine to hold and to protect
Mine to guard and not forget
The mothers’ warnings
She holds her insult close to her heart
Like a street urchin clutching a grubby toy
It defines her
It is her
It makes her want to cry
But she can’t
Without it she fears she is void
How is it
She whispered
That I feel like this
Still - here
In this place that is
Still - child
How is it
She cried
That I remember
Still - words
Spoken by a dead man
Words he would not remember even if
Still - alive
How does a child live with betrayal
She howled
A betrayal that does not cut clean
Or cause a righteous bruise
But makes a jagged dirty wound
To fester poison and confuse
Not a cut to show to friends
Or hurt for mother’s kiss to mend
A scar to hide from others’ gaze
A pain reserved for child betrayed
How does a betrayed child live
She wept
With a wound that only she can see
That defines her with its nagging pain
Ensuring she neither
Forgets nor feels whole again
Better that wound had killed me dead
She said
And half a laugh cast shadows where her eyes should be
I asked him one day
She whispered
If I was pretty
He threw some words at me
Over his shoulder
You don’t look at the mantlepiece
When you poke the fire
I was eleven
She cried
Scared I was scarred and ugly
And no-one could love me
Because of the jagged hole
He had made
In me
In - me
Why do I still remember
She howled
So long ago
It was so long ago
I can still smell the smell
Of the day
Of the room
Of him
Still feel my not yet adult heart crack
And want to die
And my poor child’s voice
Want to cry
And shame on you
Why choose this time to be honest
All your life you lied
To yourself
To the world
Such a nice man
Such a kind man
Such a charming man
Why choose me to be the witness
To your brutal truth
Oh god
She moaned
He could have lied
Fathers are supposed to lie
When a lie is a shield
That protects a child
There is in her
A sadness
Not a pure deserving sadness
A bitter melancholy lies
Deep in the heart of her
There is in her
A badness
Not a cruel and callous badness
A polluted imperfection lies
Deep in the heart of her
There is in her
A madness
Not a splendid raging madness
A snarling indignation lies
Deep in the heart of her
There is in her
No gladness
No joyful loving gladness
Just a mad bad sadness
In the heart and whole of her
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