I The trouble with me She said Is I don't believe I have a right To feel Like this What happened to me She said Is nothing Compared to what Some people suffer After all Is said and done I am alive I live I love In my own way Compared to some people I am lucky So what right Do I have To feel like this The trouble with me She said Is I feel besieged Fears of self-indulgence Encircle my small pain And make me doubt its truth II There Somewhere there In her mind in her heart In her soul if she has one She holds onto her small sorrow Like a battered woman Holds on to the belief that she isn't mad Like an abused child Clings to the hope that she isn't bad She clasps her small sorrow close to her breast Keeping it warm alive and blessed With her daily attention to its details In the great scheme of things This global glut of cruelty This world wide web of wickedness Hers was a very small i...